If you got a comprehensive vehicle insurance coverage, you undoubtedly did so for a specific reason. You want to know that if you get behind the wheel, you are covered if something goes wrong. When your vehicle is damaged, this coverage not only protects you financially but also assures that you receive the best possible repair & replacement services.
Your car insurance policy will have a condition that states one of the following when it comes to getting your vehicle repaired:
- Repairer of choice: Your insurance company has partnered with panel beaters who fix many vehicles, lowering expenses for everyone involved.
- Repairer of your choice: In the event of an accident, your insurance provider will let you choose who will repair your vehicle, allowing you to get the best service available.
Insurance companies want to push through repairs quickly, which means they make the preferred repairer the default option. Another trick is to use the phrase “your preferred repairer” to imply that you have a choice of repairer. Your insurance company may allow you to choose a repairer. At Dream Smash Repairs we take the time to inspect thoroughly and repair your vehicle.
If you are not sure whether you have repairer of choice or repairer of your choice, read the product disclosure statement for your policy. Dream Smash Repairs has a team of claims assistants that are dedicated to providing the best insurance claim services. We take the stress out of your insurance claim and make it as stress-free as possible. We can help you understand your insurance policy and provide assistance with claims. Call us today on (03) 9873 1555.